Prices start at $125/Month for monthly Reconciliations, review and Financial Statement processing.

Prices are based off of number of accounts, and average number of transactions each month.

Month End Wrap Up


Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable services are charged at an hourly rate of $40/Hour or can be added as a flat rate to your monthly bookkeeping plan based on the average number of transactions each month.

Payroll Processing

Prices starting at $50/Month based on number of employees and pay days per month.

Payroll is processed through Gusto or Quickbooks Payroll and all payroll taxes are filed and paid according to state and IRS guidelines.

Bookkeeping Clean Up

Quickbooks Online Training

Quickbooks online training is charged at an hourly rate of $45/Hour for phone/Online training and $45/Hour for in-person training. Follow up questions/concerns will always be free of charge as long as they are kept to a reasonable amount. 

Extra Services

Additional services are charged at an hourly rate of $40/Hour. Please contact me to additional service details. 

Bookkeeping Clean up is charged an hourly rate of $40/Hour. A review of the current state of books and 50% of estimated fee will be required before any clean up work is preformed to prevent any surprises for either one of us. Along the way, if anything arises that will require much more time than originally estimated, you will be notified prior to that work being done.

Free Consultation

We start off with a phone or Email session to discuss the current state of your books, and your current bookkeeping system. I will then review your current books and follow up with another phone meeting to discuss any problems that I may have found, answer any questions that you may have, and make suggestions on how to improve your current system.